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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  Ninja Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:33 pm

    If you are reading this, youre either wondering what I have to say, or you want some help. Rule number 1: DO NOT COME ON THE SERVER AND ASK FOR MODERATOR, MONEY, FREE ITEMS, ADMIN, OR JUST PLAIN DONT BEG EVER! Make that a creed, never do any of that, and you will be just fine. Before coninuing on, this is not a guide for pures. Sorry to dissapoint. First thing you need to do- Equip the iron armor, scimmy, kiteshield, boots, strength amulet, the cape is optional. Go bank everything else, as you will not need it for a while. This includes your gp, bow/arrow, and runes. Open up your spellbook, the book icon on the bottom to middle right of your screen, depending on the size of your screen. Search through the spells until you find the monster teleports, I believe it's the Ardougne tele, the big A... Several teleport destinations will appear, choose the one that takes you to "balance training." You will be in the place where you runecraft law runes. In the room, you will be surrounded by Fiyr Shades- level 126. Do not attack yet. Click the sword icon and change your attack style to: lunge. Now, it is okay to attack them, they dont hit back. After you kill the first one, it drops 1m, clean torstol, Fiyr Remains, and possibly a ddp++, or 3rd age range bottom. For now, only pick up the gp, and clean torstol. The money, because this is one of the best ways of making money, the torstol, 10 of these herbs are needed for the quests to get dragon claws. After the first one, telport to home, the big V in your spellbook, and pay attention the the guy yelling "SHOPS HERE!" click the teleporter in front of him, and dont miss! Search the shops to, one, check the prices of things you may want in the future, and two, upgrade to full rune armor, scimmy, and kiteshield. This covers the melee combat, partial moneymaking, and the shops. Continue training until you have a bcp and tassys, weapon of choice and stuff of that nature. To train ranged and magic, repeat the steps but of course, change what you attack with. Dont ask people how to make money, because the answer will be donate, kill bosses, or fiyr shades. Do not kill bosses yet, you arent trained enough. For the skillers out there, type ::skiller or ::skills or something like that, check ::commands. Here you will find the basics, Train at your hearts content, with the skiller shop, bank, trees, stalls, and the like at your fingertips. Thieving actually starts at Home, in the abandoned looking building, pickpocket men. Fishing is done in Catherby, at the fishing store and the pretty bubbly looking spots that line the coast... Rule #2: VOTE! If you want to sell things youve colllected to people, vote! The more votes we have the more people that will play! top100arena is the most important one. Okay, so about interacting with other players... This is an mmorpg, so the pedos might occasionally talk to you, no offense guys Razz... Dont get too social, especially when you have a goal to accomlish. IM NOT SAYING BE THE OLD CREEPY GUY IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM PEEKING THROUGH THE LEAVES OF A GIANT, FAKE PLANT SOCIAL! I mean dont become social... only social... if that is all you do, you wont accomplish much but a few friends, and some enemies. Trust me, learn from MY mistakes so you dont make the same ones. Dont be an ass when youre around someone important, like staff. The list of staff members are:
    Owner: King Skater
    Admins: (Questionabbly;)Fight Pits, Youtube Vid, Mrmusicboy
    Mods: (Questionably;) Jonnyboy, Twisty2016
    And, by questionably, I mean the new owner doesn't know who the staff members will be and if any old staff members will return... [hoping I fixed muh screw up this time Matt.]

    So dont come asking me who to talk to about your problems, dont ask me if im the owner just because I may look cool. Dont ask anyone else if they are, or who the owner is, I just told you. Watch it around these people, they are great friends to have, and will watch your back, but they bring the hammer down and hurts like hell. Just becuase youre friends with them doesnt mean you can be a jerk to people. If you have any questions, feel free to add me and ask me anything. There may be some, extremely huge gaps Ive left so if you have any... WORTHWHILE ADVICE please comment so everyone can know. Thank you.

    Last edited by Ninja on Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
    king skater
    king skater
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  king skater Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:20 am

    Your staff member list is incorrect. I will be the new owner once I set the server back up. I still don't know who the new co-owner will be. As far as admins and mods, I haven't talked to any of them in a while so I'm not sure who, if any of them, will get active again once I set the server back up.
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  Terence Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:40 pm

    Whats going to happen to lax than king?
    king skater
    king skater
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  king skater Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:04 pm

    Terence wrote:Whats going to happen to lax than king?

    Last time I talked to him he said he would still play just not that much.
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  Terence Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:41 pm

    so would he be co-owner?
    king skater
    king skater
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  king skater Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:10 am

    Umm most likely not, I would let him keep his powers in-game but he wouldn't be the actual co-owner. I want someone who can be online A LOT to be co-owner, since I would not be able to get on that much. That person would also have to be someone I trust.
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    Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide Empty Re: Ninja's Wasteland Survival Guide

    Post  Ninja Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:07 pm

    School's back, so im going to be on a lot more... cant play xbox live. this thread is kind of getting off topic. but it doesnt really matter if i get staff i can still have fun. no more off topic posts?

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