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    Lets play a little game...

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    Lets play a little game... Empty Lets play a little game...

    Post  Ninja Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:46 pm

    So, can you survive the onslaught of zombies coming to feast upon your flesh? Well if you think you are up to the challenge of a global biological disaster, reply and answer all of the questions below:
    (p.s. if you arent comfortable answering some of these questions publically, send me a private message here on the forums with your answers. also, please copy and paste the questions on to your reply.)
    1) How old are you?
    2) Do you live in a rural, urban, or sub-urban area?
    3) Weapon of choice?
    4) On a scale of 1-10, what are your survival skills? (1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest)
    5) What kind of terrain would you think best to hole-up in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
    6) How many years experience do you have with firearms?
    7) In the event of finding a group of survivors ranging in numbers from about 15-20, how would you react?
    8} Would you prefer taking a small group and moving through the wastes, or take a large group and make a fort?
    9) In the event of an encounter of 10-15 zombies, how do you react?
    10) Do you have to outrun the zombies, or outrun the guy behind you?
    11) In the situation of running out of ammo, do you revert to your bladed weapon or run? If you choose fight over flight, what bladed weapon do you unleash upon the horde?
    12) Do zombies have a fully functional respiratory system?
    13) How fast can you run?
    14) What kind of noise does a zombie make in the night?
    15) What's the longest amount of time you have ever gone without food, water, and sleep?
    16) In the event of shifts to keep watch, do you take the morning, afternoon, or night shift?
    17) At what time are zombies most active?
    18) What is your height?
    19) in close quarter encounters, is a flamethrower a good idea?
    20) When watching a scary movie, do you jump, scream, hide your head under the pillow and make noises to blot out the screams from the tv, or point, laugh, and make fun of all the other little scaredy babies?
    21) Did you answer all of these questions honestly?
    Okay so now you are done with the test. When you take it, only reply with the answers, questions notwithstanding. I will reply with your results in a private message a.s.a.p. as to avoid giving "correct" answers to other particapants. Lets try to stay on-topic with our posts too, mmk?
    Group: Forum Moderator
    Group: Forum Moderator

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    Join date : 2010-05-08
    Age : 28
    Location : Behind you

    Lets play a little game... Empty Re: Lets play a little game...

    Post  Terence Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:06 pm

    1) How old are you? 14
    2) Do you live in a rural, urban, or sub-urban area? urban
    3) Weapon of choice? gat nikka
    4) On a scale of 1-10, what are your survival skills? (1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest) -10
    5) What kind of terrain would you think best to hole-up in the event of a zombie apocalypse? Frozen wastelang
    6) How many years experience do you have with firearms? 1
    7) In the event of finding a group of survivors ranging in numbers from about 15-20, how would you react? team up with them and take there food
    8} Would you prefer taking a small group and moving through the wastes, or take a large group and make a fort? large
    9) In the event of an encounter of 10-15 zombies, how do you react? b000m head shot!??!
    10) Do you have to outrun the zombies, or outrun the guy behind you?both Smile
    In the situation of running out of ammo, do you revert to your bladed
    weapon or run? If you choose fight over flight, what bladed weapon do
    you unleash upon the horde? I would run like the police are after me Smile
    12) Do zombies have a fully functional respiratory system? naw.
    13) How fast can you run? idk
    14) What kind of noise does a zombie make in the night? rawr?!?!?
    15) What's the longest amount of time you have ever gone without food, water, and sleep? 2days and a half than i passed out
    16) In the event of shifts to keep watch, do you take the morning, afternoon, or night shift? morning
    17) At what time are zombies most active? all times
    18) What is your height? 5ft 9in
    19) in close quarter encounters, is a flamethrower a good idea? if it keeps me alive yes
    When watching a scary movie, do you jump, scream, hide your head under
    the pillow and make noises to blot out the screams from the tv, or
    point, laugh, and make fun of all the other little scaredy babies?
    point, laugh, and make fun of all the other little scaredy babies
    21) Did you answer all of these questions honestly? yessir

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